SPOT ON TOTS is designed to bring OT (Occupational Therapy) and Sensory Exploration into your own home!

With our lives being as busy as they are, we often have wonderful ideas as parents, but rarely carry them out.

A play tool, such as those contained in Sensory Boxes provides you as the parent, with fundamental play tools and materials that encourage sensorimotor play - a vital modality in your little one's development.

Sensory-Play-On-Tap (SPOT) enables you to allow your child to explore freely through play!

This is how we learn, awaken the senses, body and mind.

Your role as a 'play facilitator' encourages consolidation of concepts and learning. Instead of telling or showing your child what to do or how to do it... they discover and learn through their own exploration!

"Tell me once... I may forget"
"Show me once... I may remember"
"Let me do it... I'll never forget"
Copyright 2011 SPOT on TOTS